Art Inspired by the Camino 2018

Sandy and her husband, Lee Howell, walked the 500+ mile Camino de Santiago last year.  Leaving St. Jean Pied de Port in France on May 11, 2017, Sandy and Lee crossed the Pyrenees into Spain and walked the width of the country to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, arriving on June 20, 2017 This traditional spiritual pilgrimage dates back to the 9th century when the tomb of the apostle St. James (Santiago) was discovered on the Iberian Peninsula. Interest in the pilgrimage declined in the 14th century as a result of war and natural disaster and the route suffered from disuse and neglect.. Recovery began in the late 19th century, and
interest has continually increased. The
infrastructure (roads, villages, churches, hospitals/albergues) have been revived and revitalized and welcome more than 200,000 travelers annually who make at least a part of this pilgrimage.

Sandy and Lee continued on to Finisterre, known as "the end of the earth" on the coast and completed the walk on June 26, 2017. 

There is a common saying, "the true Camino begins with the Homecoming."  Sandy returned home with a narrative and art journal as well as thousands of photographs.  She would spend the next 15 months creating a series of 25+ watercolors as well as pottery, fiber art, and collagraph prints, all inspired by the Camino, commonly referred to as 'The Way.'

 A one-woman show of the work will be featured at Studio 94B during the month of October with a reception held on October 13, 2018 (second Saturday) from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at 17992 County Road 94B in Woodland (located near the terminal at Watts-Woodland Airport and Yolo Fliers Club.

Original music inspired by the Camino will be performed by Acoustic Pilgrims, a musical duo from Eugene, Oregon.  Members Denise and Wayne Gilbertson were among the many gifts of the Camino.