Sandy Briggs came to Yolo County in 1976 for a temporary summer job during graduate school, and it turned into something much more permanent. Born and raised in rural North Carolina, she finds many similarities in the landscapes. Her work features barns and farm implements inspired by the rural landscapes with remind her of her father.  Florals have also dominated her work and are reminiscent of her mother's life long passion for flowers.  Most recently, her art has been influenced by her 2017 Camino de Santiago, a walk of 500+ miles from France, crossing the Pyrenees and the entire width of Spain.  She has spent the last 16 months creating watercolors, pottery, fiber art and collagraph prints inspired by the experience.

Sandy Briggs began painting after her retirement from Woodland Public Library in 2010. A lifelong goal and passion, she was fortunate to paint with the Renaissance Program at California State
University, Sacramento as well as the Anne Bradley Art Group in Sacramento for a number of years.  In addition, she has painted with the
Senior Painting Groups at both Woodland and Davis Senior Centers, and has taken classes from Karen Sistek, Heidi Bekebrede, Tony Couch, Fabio Cembranelli, Birgit O'Connor, Lian Quan Zhen, Beverly Fields, and Linda Akers. Briggs' work has previously been on display at Blue Wing Gallery in Woodland, the Art League of Lincoln, and the
Yolo County Fair. She has won numerous awards in watercolor, acrylics, printmaking, pottery, 3-D sculpture and fiber arts, progressing from beginner
to intermediate to advanced.